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Review of books on infographics

Infographic publications are not found in the top bestsellers. We believe that this is unfair, so we have created our own list of books that contain relevant and useful information. A real treasure for a designer! We read it ourselves and recommend it to you.

"The Art of Visualization in Business", Nathan Yau

The numbers are not interesting, the information they carry is important. It remains only to learn how to detect it among soulless graphs. The author shares life hacks on working with data, describes visualization techniques and consistently teaches how to cope with complex tasks. 

"Speak the language of diagrams", Gene Zelazny

Circular, linear or dotted? Charts are considered one of the most primitive elements of infographics, but they are not as simple as they seem. The author suggests getting to know the diagrams better and learning how to use them professionally.

"100 main principles of design", Susan Weinshank

How to keep the attention of the target audience? Perhaps the answer will be given by the science of human behavior. The author, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, wrote this book based on scientific research and personal design experience.

«The Visual Display of Quantitative Information», Edward Tufte

(Graphics Press, 2nd edition, 2001)

A classic and fundamental manual, without which our list would be incomplete. Edward Tufty is a professor of political science, statistics and computer science at Yale University. He is considered the ancestor of infographics as a science. In this book you will find basic concepts, 250 visual illustrations and the main principles of working with data.